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getsuperpowered @ gmail.com
sleep deprivation is how they torture prisoners and here you are folding laundry. round re~minder.
3.4" x 3.4" glossy finish
for sleepy people. the almighty internet tells me that 50 to 70 million americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders, add in people who do shift work or jobs that don't afford them enough sleep, parents, students, the list is long of people who have to push themselves rather than rest in order to accomplish just the basics of living. sleep deprivation is (was) used to torture prisoners because it weakens the mind.
there's no "slow lane" for life. it's keep up or end up in deeper doo doo. when you can't do the things you want to do, the things other people think you should be capable of doing, it can leave you feeling less than... broken... even depressed.
it's so important to re~mind yourself that living with extended sleep deprivation is like running with a 100lb sack on your back- you're not going to perform the same as if you didn't have that. understand the strength it takes to do simple things like feed yourself and fold laundry while you're living in a sort of torture.
it took me a long time to stop being disappointed in myself because i can't human like other people do but, I found some things that helped me get there. WATCH: what happens if I don't beat myself up? https://youtu.be/J6GQAWlb918
if you want one-on-one help from the happiness guru, figuring out what it is about you that's keeping you from having the kind of relationships you long for, visit: DawnSuper.com now and start living your best life.
WATCH: what happens if I don't stay in bed? https://youtu.be/nPuVovBqqvM
*all products are handmade and may have imperfections
Do you have narcolepsy? Watch my FREE webinar "The Intel on the N Tell" https://dawnsuper.com/webinarsignup
Understanding the way Narcolepsy manifests inside of you and what you can do about it can be life changing.
A nap is coming, take it before it takes you.
Darn, I'm awake... now what?
Giving up my fear of death.
*all products are handmade and may have imperfections
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